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Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month: Celebrating Registered Veterinary Nurses

Rachel Keane
  • Rachel Keane

  • RCVS: 6365059


Each May, The British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)  celebrates Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM).

Joy is UK Pets resident Registered Veterinary Nurse and Animal Medicine Advisor as a  suitably Qualified Person (SQP) and quotes : 

“I am immensely proud of my profession and, since qualifying in 1985, I have seen increasing opportunities for veterinary nurses in the UK who wish to be acknowledged as key members of the practice team. The RCVS Royal Charter came into effect in early 2015, has been signed by Her Majesty the Queen and has received the Great Seal of the Realm. It recognises veterinary nursing as a profession, confirms the RCVS role as the regulator of veterinary nurses and gives Registered Veterinary Nurses the formal status of associates of the RCVS”.

What is Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month?

VNAM was originally started by the BVNA in 2005 as a National VN Day campaign, and now, since 2012, the campaign takes place throughout the month of May every year. The purpose of VNAM is to spread the word to the veterinary profession and pet owners about the importance of the role of the veterinary nurse, and the provision of responsible pet care to the general public.

Registered veterinary nurses (RVNs) are an integral part of the veterinary team who provide high-quality care for animals under their care. RVNs provide skilled, supportive care for patients and are also qualified to undertake minor surgery, monitor anaesthesia, and administer medical treatment and diagnostic tests under veterinary supervision.

Who are The British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)?

The BVNA is the representative body for veterinary nurses. They promote the interests of veterinary nurses and prepare their members for the challenges ahead. For more information take a look at the BVNA Careers page.

Animal welfare is also of the utmost importance to the BVNA, as they know it is to all of their  members. A group of BVNA Council Members was recently formed to consider the welfare of pets kept in a classroom or school environment.

BVNA Welfare of Pets in Schools Toolkit

The outcome is the BVNA Welfare of Pets in Schools Toolkit, which they have developed to include helpful resources from organisations such as The Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF), The British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT), The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) and The Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF). It is available for all veterinary professionals, teachers and parents, and is a free and easy-access resource with downloadable content to help educate you on how you can improve the welfare of animals being kept in schools.

What is National Pet Month?

The Launch of this great resource coincides with #NationalPetMonth: April 1- May 1 2023

National Pet Month (NPM) celebrates and raises awareness of responsible pet ownership through our educational campaigns and resources across our various platforms. NPM celebrates pet ownership, sharing the many benefits of our cherished companions across the UK.

If you are ever in need of help from a registered veterinarian, PocketVet is here for you. Our team would be happy to help in any way that we can, and the best part is, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

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